


The Impacts of Gender Role Attitude on Living Arrangement among Elderly in Taiwan




張慈佳(Tzu-Chia Chang)


性別差異 ; 老人居住安排 ; 父系文化規範 ; 性別角色態度 ; gender differences ; elderly living arrangements ; patriarchal norms ; gender role attitudes




54期(2017 / 06 / 01)


81 - 122






Gender differences in living arrangements of the elderly have received little attention in the literature. This study examines gender differences in living arrangements of the elderly, by taking gender role attitudes and patriarchal social norms into account, to illustrate the differences not only in propensities of coresidence with children among men and women, but also among those women with various gender role attitudes. Firstly, the result of a multinomial logit model shows that the elderly who tend to live with their homeowner children are females without a spouse, older, and healthier, and those with lower educational attainment. Meanwhile, the homeowning elderly who are Mainlanders, younger, and with a spouse have higher chances of living with their unmarried children than of living without children. This indicates gender differences exist among the elderly in terms of living arrangements in Taiwan. Secondly, adding gender role attitude variables to the model would improve the goodness of fit in terms of specifications of the model, and change the relationship between educational attainment and living arrangements among women. As there are significant associations between gender role attitude variables and elderly living arrangements among women, I suggest that the changing gender role attitudes of Taiwan's women should be taken into account when we assess the applicability of the kin-keeping hypothesis in Taiwan. The results of this study also suggest emerging needs for social support among the elderly who are widowed and economically disadvantaged.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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