


Economic Dependence of Grown-Up Children on Their Elderly Parents: An Analysis of Children, Parents, and Families




劉千嘉(Chien-Chia Liu)


啃老族 ; 人口普查 ; 中壯子代 ; 高齡父母 ; parasite singles/couples ; population census ; grown-up children ; elderly parents




59期(2019 / 12 / 01)


89 - 129






In the past, the case of elderly parents living with their children was considered a manifestation of filial piety in Eastern societies. However, in recent years, the media have used the term "parasite singles/couples" to describe grown-up children who are economically dependent on their elderly parents and has constructed a stigmatized image of them. In fact, there are various factors leading to grown-up children depending on elderly parents economically; however, at present, only a few such cases are being reported, causing a narrow understanding of this group among the public. Since there is no empirical research that specifically addresses this group, this study utilizes the 2010 population and census data of Taiwan and focuses on the grown-up population aged between 30 and 54 years, unemployed, living with their elderly parents, and economically dependent on them. The study analyzes the characteristics of the families, parents, and children to explore the effects such as human capital, family life course, and family care need on grown-up children depending on their parents. The research findings are as follows: (1) grown-up children with weak human capital are more likely to depend on their elderly parents; (2) single/ unmarried grown-up children have a higher possibility of dependence; (3) grown-up children who have a relative in need of long-term care have an increased possibility of depending on their parents for their economic needs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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