


Global Governance and Civil Society: Participant in International Society of Perspective of Non-Governmental Organization in Taiwan




鍾京佑(Ching-Yu Chung)


治理 ; 全球治理 ; 公民社會 ; 全球公民社會 ; 非政府組織 ; 國際建制 ; globalization ; global governance ; civil society ; non-governmental organizations NGOs ; international society ; international regimes




18期(2003 / 06 / 20)


23 - 51






Globalization currently has raised a number of related issues. The prospective of global governance and transnational decision-making is now challenging the traditional model of the national state. This paper focuses on the relationship of governance and civil society in increasingly globalized world, specifically, the role of NGO's (non-governmental organizations) in international society as an interface between citizens and transnational government. Moreover, this paper attempts to explore trend and function of NGOs when it takes action in international society in terms of international regimes. This paper at last argues that, in the case of Taiwan, NGOs have a mediating role in civil society, and tries to explore ways in which Taiwanese NGOs can participate effectively in international society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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