


WTO's Roles in the Cancun Meeting: Interpretations from Main Theories of International Relations




江啓臣(Johnny Chi-Chen Chiang)


坎昆會議 ; 世界貿易組織WTO ; 國際組織 ; 現實主義 ; 自由主義 ; 馬克斯主義 ; Cancun meeting ; WTO ; international organization ; realism ; liberalism ; Marxism




23期(2005 / 03 / 01)


133 - 167






In order to fully understand WTO's roles in the Cancun meeting, the paper first explores the roles of international organizations in the complex networks of international relations from theoretical perspectives of realism, liberalism, and Marxism. Through these three world views' understandings and interpretations on international organizations, the paper finds out that in the Cancun meeting the WTO, an intergovernmental organization (IGO), at least played the following roles: as American hegemony's instrument, as a mechanism for economic powers to solve common problems and seek interests, as a place for members to reflect their domestic political-economic objectives, as a free idea market without hegemonic control, as an institutionalized mechanism for inter-state cooperation, as an approach for capitalism expansion, as an instrument for core countries to exploit peripheral countries, and as a platform for confrontation between developed and developing or less-developed states. As a result, the WTO, as an international organization born of the need from international environment, is indeed hard to avoid any influence from international relations and international political economy. In the face of complex environment of international relations, realism, liberalism, and Marxism therefore can be said to provide relatively systematic analyses and thoughts for us to understand WTO's roles and influences in the Cancun meeting more clearly and comprehensively.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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