Derived from Karl Polanyi's classic work, ”the Great Transformation” this article argues that international currency and exchange systems are the products of interaction between international powers and financial interests. Currency is not only the symbol of national sovereignty but also a base for the competition of international powers. This paper analyzes the development of currency systems in Asia-Pacific and the opportunities and challenges of APEC from the point of view of Polanyi. Owing to the widening gap between social expectations of East Asian countries and APEC's U.S. dominated role, the East Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 caused tremendous harm to APEC. Under pressure from the triple alliance- US, IMF, and APEC, with regards to APEC's monetary and financial issues, ASEAN and China-led East Asian countries established ASEAN PLUS THREE (APT) to check and counter-balance the predominance of U.S. power within APEC. APEC encountered severe challenges from the development of regional monetary and financial systems when APT actively promoted Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI) and Asian Bond Fund (ABF). Although APEC did not effectively meet a lot of the requests from East Asian countries in the 1997 Financial Crisis, the innovation to deal with those related issues of APEC as a think-tank is still very important.
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