


Fighting for the People with Guerrilla Government? A Preliminary Study of Public Administrators' Behavior and Motivation for Dissent in Taiwan




黃建勳(Chien-hsun Huang)


官僚 ; 游擊隊政府 ; 異議 ; 行政倫理 ; Bureaucracy ; Guerrilla Government ; Dissent ; Ethics




76期(2018 / 06 / 01)


159 - 198




「游擊隊政府」(guerrilla government)是O'Leary(2006)形容在政府體系中一群對於上級有所不滿與反抗的異議官僚。目前「游擊隊政府」研究文獻主要以個案分析爲主,甚少進行量化研究。同時,公共行政理論認爲文官應該秉持公益而勇於表達不同意見,但是規範性理論仍需要經驗資料的支持。故本文利用2008年臺灣政府文官調査資料庫,選擇消極服從與對外透露資訊代表「游擊隊政府」具體行爲,並檢驗公益動機的影響關係。統計結果發現,當文官的工作目標以公益目的爲主時,有較高機會選擇消極服從,以回應上級指示不符公共利益;不過,公益動機與對外透露資訊間沒有統計上顯著性。本文目的不僅希望增進「游擊隊政府」的經驗性瞭解外,也提供循證性分析結果支持學界與實務界期待文官作爲人民受託者的規範性論述。


What drives public servants to become guerrillas? This study aims at examining the resistant behavior of dissenting bureaucrats as implied by O'Leary's "guerrilla government", and their motivation for pursuing public interests. This study uses survey data from the TGBS (Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey) in 2008 to focus on two types of resistant behavior: passive obedience and leaking information to stakeholders. The analyses show that there is a greater chance for public administrators to obey orders passively when their work goals are public interest-oriented, but that there is no significant relationship between leaking information and public interest-oriented goals/sector choices. These empirical results provide a quantitative contribution to the guerrilla government literature which has mostly relied on case studies, and give evidence-based support for the role of public orientation and trusteeship argued by normative theories in the public administration literature. Research limitations and suggestions for future research will also be identified.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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