


The Nexus between Foreign Aid and FDI: An Investigation on the Impact of Japan's ODA on Japanese Firms' Overseas Investments




邱奕宏(Yi-hung Chiou)


政府開發援助 ; 外來直接投資 ; 政治風險 ; 跨國企業 ; 對外援助 ; Official Development Assistance (ODA) ; Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) ; Political Risk ; Multinational Corporations ; Foreign Aid




85期(2020 / 09 / 01)


91 - 138






The goal of this article is to investigate the relationship between a state's foreign aid and firms' outward investments, as well as the firms' political risk assessments regarding aid recipient states. Specifically, it examines whether Japan's official development assistance (ODA) affects Japanese firms' overseas investments. This paper argues that ODA, as an instrument of Japan's foreign policy, reduces Japanese firms' political risk concerns, while facilitating their investments in ODA recipient countries. Nevertheless, with changing ODA policies over time, whether the ODA-investment nexus remains valid is questionable. By illustrating the evolution of Japan's ODA policy, this article adopts a quantitative approach to exploring whether Japan's ODA affects Japanese firms' political risk assessment, so as to enhance investments in the aid recipient countries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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