


A Historical Institutional Analysis of the Development of Non-Departmental Public Bodies in Taiwan




李天申(Tien-shen Li)


行政法人 ; 歷史制度論 ; 路徑依賴 ; 關鍵時刻 ; 制度變遷 ; Non-departmental Public Bodies (NDPB) ; Historical Institutionalism ; Path Dependence ; Critical Juncture ; Institutional Change




86期(2020 / 12 / 01)


151 - 190






In order to promote reform of government organizations, the Executive Yuan established the system of non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) in 2002. The establishment of NDPBs can be viewed as a systematic change promoting more diversified governance modes and public service delivery. During the first Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration, the promotion of NDPBs was particularly difficult. However, the task became easier after the Kuomintang (KMT) returned to power. This article adopts a historical institutionalist research approach, analyzing the literature and secondary data to explore the issues of "continuity" and "change" in NDPBs. First, why does path dependence occur in the process of institutional reform? Second, why did the institutional change occur at two critical junctures during the fifth Legislative Yuan under the DPP administration, and the seventh and eighth Legislative Yuan under the KMT administration? The article proposes an explanation on the dimensions of "structure" and "actors." The analysis of "structure" is about divided governments or unified governments, as well as the political climate for government reform. The analysis of "actors" focuses on the interactions between organization members, the Legislative Yuan, and the competent authorities. The article contributes to the understanding of Taiwan's experiences in promoting NDPBs and is useful for future reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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