


Ambivalent and Entangled: The Dynamic of the Incarcerated Males' Marital Relationships




劉香蘭(Hsiang-Lan Liu);余漢儀(Annie Hon-Yei Yu)


力受刑人 ; 受刑人婚姻關係 ; 以孩子為主的家庭意識型態 ; Male inmmate ; Marital Relationship ; Child-Oriented Family Ideology




11期(2000 / 04 / 01)


35 - 77




家庭因服刑事件不僅經驗到家庭成員的分離(dismemberment),有的家庭更面臨解組(disorganization)的危機。民國85年法院判決離婚案件中,原因是徒刑的共有628位,高居第二(僅次於遺棄),其中多由女方提出(台灣高等法院,1997:13)。但大多數的受刑人家庭是處在分而未離的狀態,其家庭如何維持運作及使其運轉的機制為何,在國內一直缺乏有系統的探索與關注。 受刑人終會歸回家庭,但其與家庭團圓未必是重建,如果不能正視在服刑過程中其家庭關係的變化,歷史重演可能就是下個分離的開始。本研究企圖解構影響受刑人夫妻關係的機制,以便發展出有關受刑人夫妻關係的充權(empower)政策和方案,以減緩再犯的機率。因此,本研究欲探討的問題如下: 受刑人夫妻生活在兩個不同的世界,夫妻關係(角色與情感)有何改變?影響受刑人夫妻關係的機制為何?從性別的角度來看有什麼意義? 本研究採質的研究,以初犯、家有未滿18歲子女、保持規律接見的家庭為樣本必要條件,並配合暴力犯、貪污犯、煙毒犯的犯罪類型和不同服刑階段,六探索受刑人夫妻關係之變化。深入訪談為本研究主要的蒐集資料的方法,資料的整理與分析是先將資料依夫妻角色縣係、互動狀況與內心糺界等分類,歸納出相似或相異的特徵,進行個案內/間的比較分析,形成概念,最後透過概念間的組織與理論化,構成本研究之論述。 本研究發現家庭角色因為男性家長入獄,多轉移至女性配偶身上,並造成家庭內部的失衡,揭露女性承擔丈夫犯罪所造成的家庭傷害的社會邏輯;而夫妻互動在形式與報喜不報憂的原則下,其情感也漸行漸遠。女性雖身兼多職、充滿期待又怕受傷的心理下,未選擇離開受剝削的處境,主要是由於以孩子為中心的家庭意識型態,且女性在法律爭取子女監護權處於弱勢及經濟現實下,女性也「不能」離開。而男性家長在獄中因其角色「失能」、「失權」與「失職」,心中充滿虧欠與內咎,也危及男性自信。在自由刑的意義下,如何恢復受刑人之家庭角色,是亟待改變之處。 在研究建議的部份,筆者透過制度上的反省,倡導監獄行刑法及更生保護法應將受刑人家庭的福址納入考量。並在內政部、法務部設立受刑人家庭服務部,由地區基層屬單位來統整全國受芹人家庭服務事宜,並為受刑人家庭權利與福祇進行倡導。更應提供誘因,催化與輔導民間專為受刑人家庭服務之公益團體的成立,來滿足受刑人家庭之需要。


Because of incarceration, a family doesn’t only experience dismemberment also face the disorganization crisis. According to the Taiwan Appeal Court (1997), there were 628 cases of penal servitude among reasons for all judged divorce cases of 1996, next to the number of discard, and they were mostly initiated by the wives. Most inmates still maintain certain relationship with their families while being physically separated, and they eventually will return to home. However, without noticing the dynamics of an inmate’ family relationship change during his incarceration, the later family reunion may turn out to be the beginning of another separation. This research intends to uncover the mechanisms underlying the inmates’ marital relationship so as to develop empowerment policy and program for the inmates and their families, and to decrease the recurrence rates. Thus, the research questions are as follows: What is happening to his marital relationship, in terms of role and affections, while an inmate is separated from his wife? What are the mechanisms affecting this marital relationship? Are there any gender implications? Given the paradigm of qualitatie research, the following criteria are based to sample the interviewees: (1)the first-time sentenced inmate, (2)a married inmate with child under age 18, (3) and inmate with family member visiting regularly. Two referential criteria are further considered: the type of crime committed and the length of sentence served. The data collection is based on the in-depth interview of 6 inmates and their wives from Dec., 97 to April, 98 with their permissions. It is found that an unbalanced role transactions happened in the family due to a husband’s incarceration. The inconsiderate visiting regulation and arrangement make an inmate and his family hard to share their real concerns. The distorted interaction pattern gradually makes a couple two strangers. It is the female in the family to bear the consequences of her husband’s law-breaking. The child-oriented family ideology further keeps a wife as well as a mother from leaving the depriving circumstances. Given the concerns of child guardianship and financial constrains, a mother is also reluctant to leave. In the mean time, with the family roles being deprived, the experiences of disability, disempowerment, and dysfunction have caused a male inmate psychological pain and guilt. How to restore an inmate’s family relationships during his incarceration through human rights advocacy and services delivery deserves our continuous attention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學