


Study on Cultivating Quality Human Resources in Hualien and Yilan Area




林正木(Cheng-Mu Lin)


農業產銷班 ; 訓練需求 ; 培育 ; 人力資源 ; agricultural production-marketing groups ; training requirement ; culturing and training ; human resource




28期(2010 / 11 / 01)


77 - 92




期能為花宜地區農民設計適當之教育訓練課程,進而規劃有系統及制度化之培訓計畫,故透過問卷調查以瞭解農業產銷班的訓練需求,作為未來規劃符合需求的訓練課程,以達到培育農業專業人才的目標,並建構轄區優質農業人力資源網絡。本研究工作重點及研究結果如下:一、搜集優質農業人力資源的相關文獻並加以彙整,歸納為四大類:生產技術、經營管理、農產品加工利用及休閒農業,共71 項課程。二、以四大類知識為問卷設計的基礎,調查轄區農業經營者之訓練需求,分析結果如下:(一)調查發現將生產技術之訓陳列為最需求者,佔61.74%,其次為農企業經營管理佔14.32%,休閒產業佔13.85%,而以農產品加工利用最低,佔10.09%。(二)目前轄區農業工作者的年齡以41~60歲為主;教育程度有4成是國小,2成5是高中職,差異頗大。(三)實體課程的需求程度:以病蟲害防治技術、安全用藥、品牌建立、非農藥防治技術、土壤及肥料管理、有機栽培技術等課程為非常需求之訓練課程。(四)實習(作)課程之需求程度:以病蟲害防治技術、有機栽培技術、土壤及肥料管理、安全農藥等課程安排實習(作)需求較高。三、本場致力於對轄區農民的服務,力求規劃符合農業經營者需求的培訓計畫,未來將依據本研究之調查結果,安排轄區產銷班農民最需要的教育訓練,設計最符合農民需求且適當的訓練課程,以提升轄區產銷班農民的知能及提升轄區農產業的競爭力。


In order to design an appropriate educational training program and to plan a systematic and institutional training curriculum for the farmers in Hualien and Yilan areas, this research was conducted to find out the training needs by questionnaire. The significant focal points of the work and the search results were as follows:1. Collect the information of the substantial knowledge required for the excellent agricultural human resources. Courses were grouped into four categories:production technique, management administration, agricultural product processing and leisure agriculture, with 71 items in them. 2. Based on the four categories mentional above, the training demands for the agribusiness performers in these areas were as follows. (1) Through the survey, 61.74% of the interviewees regarded the training of production technique as the most significant demand; while 14.32% of them focused on the agribusiness;13.85% of them focused on leisure agriculture and only 10.09% of them focused on agricultural product processing. (2) Workers' average age in Hualien and Yilan areas were about 41~60. And the educational level anchored to elementary school. (3) As the demand of the authentic programs, the hot courses were plant pathogen and insect control techniques, safety application of chemical, non-chemical control techniques, and soil and fertilizer Management as well. (4) In practical training, there were more than 9 courses need to be arranged, such as organic cultivation technique, and plant pathogen and insect control technique as well. 3. The aim of the search lied in planning a training program according to the demands of the agribusiness people to advance their expertise. Moreover, a training program that fit and accord with the members of the production and marketing Teams will elevate their expertise and competition ability.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業