


Effects of Meteorological Factors on Rice Yields of Different Seasons in Hualien Area


黃佳興(Chia-Hsing Huang);吳文欽(Wen-Chin Wu);潘昶儒(Cheng-Zu Pan);林泰佑(Tai-Yu Lin);宣大平(Dah-Pyng Shung)


穗數 ; 日射量 ; 生育度數 ; 相關係數 ; panicle number per hill ; solar radiation ; growing degree days ; correlation coefficient




33期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 11




為探討氣候變遷之氣象因素對近年花蓮地區水稻產量及其構成要素之影響,就2003年至2014年在花蓮區農業改良場試驗田進行水稻豐歉試驗之氣象資料加以整理分析。結果得知,近十年兩期作間水稻在產量、一穗粒數及穗數間均呈現顯著差異,第二期作平均產量較第一期作每公頃少843 kg。透過分析氣象因素與產量、一穗粒數及穗數的相關結果得知,第一期作的產量和生育期生育度數(每日最高溫及最低溫之平均值減10℃)和生育期日射量呈現顯著正相關,相關係數分別是0.612 及0.768,第一期作一穗粒數和抽穗期的降雨量呈負相關,相關係數為-0.71,第二期作一穗粒數和孕穗期降雨量和降雨日數呈負相關,相關係數分別為-0.78 及-0.59。第一期作的穗數則是和抽穗前生育度數、全生育期生育度數及孕穗期日高溫平均正相關,相關係數分別為0.73、0.64及0.61。綜合上述結果,造成花蓮地區兩期作產量間差異的氣象因素以第一期作抽穗前期溫度較低,平均20.3℃,水稻營養生長期較長,致使穗數較多有利高產,第二期作生育初期高溫影響,分蘗數少而產量受限為主要原因。


There was a significant difference of rice yield observed between the first and the second seasons in Hualien area. To investigate factors influencing rice yield, the meteorological data together with rice cultivation data collected from 2003 to 2014 at Hualien DARES were analyzed. Results showed that rainfall, solar radiation, and air temperature recorded at four important stages including transplanting to physiological maturity, transplanting to heading, booting and early maturing were significantly different between the first and the second crops. In the first crop, the growing degree days and solar radiation during the transplanting to physiological maturity was significantly correlated with the yield. The correlation coefficients were 0.612 and 0.768, respectively. The spikelet per panicle was negatively correlated with the rainfall in the second crops. However, the growing degree days from transplanting to heading period, the growing degree days from transplanting to physiological maturity period and the average of daily max temperature were significantly correlated with the panicle number per hill. The results indicated that air temperature from transplanting to heading period in the first crop was lower than the second crop in Hualien area. In addition, the high temperature during the early second crop may lead to inhibit tilling. Therefore, the temperature was the major meteorological factor to rice yields of two crop seasons.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
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