


The Industry Correlation Analysis of Wind Power and Photovoltaic Manufacturing in Southern Taiwan Based on the Policy of Shalun Green Energy Science City


陳彥仲(Yen-Jong Chen);劉佳欣(Jia-xin Liu);胡太山(Tai-shan Hu);林海萍(Hai-Ping Lin)


沙崙智慧綠能科學城 ; 風能 ; 太陽能 ; 製造業 ; 產業關聯分析 ; Shalun Smart Green Energy Science City (SGESC) ; Wind power energy ; Photovoltaic energy ; Manufacturing industry ; Industrial correlation analysis




38卷1期(2020 / 06 / 01)


45 - 76






Since 2016, Taiwan government lunched the so called the "Five Major Industrial Innovation R&D Projects". Among them, the Shalun Green Energy Science City (SGESC), is assigned to be located in Tainan, a city in southern Taiwan, and is used as a green energy innovation industry base. For the purpose of policy analysis, we would like to know whether the current energy related industries in Taiwan southern region can undertake and support the green energy industrial investment. In this study, we defined the green energy to include the wind power energy and photovoltaic (or the solar) energy, which takes the majority with more than 90% of the green energy in Taiwan. We collected open data of industrial products and identified the core manufacturing companies via the Locational Quotient (LQ) and relative analysis. How to understanding of the interaction between industrial parks and related industries. Our findings concluded that manufactories related to the steel and metal fabrication works, semiconductor industry, and auto parts manufactory in the areas of Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingtung are closely related to green energy industry and strongly support the policies of SGESC.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學綜合
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