


Social Network Analysis of the Dongji-Siji Marine Corridor Collaboration


葉如萍(Ju-Ping Yeh);陳聖夫(Sheng-Fu Chen)


社會網絡分析 ; 權益關係人參與 ; 海洋空間規劃 ; 東西吉廊道禁漁提案協作會議 ; 澎湖南方四島國家公園 ; Social network analysis ; Stakeholder participation ; Marine spatial planning ; Donji-Siji marine corridor collaborative meeting ; South Penghu Marine National Park




39卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 31






The purpose of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is to coordinates and manages various sea use through the establishment of zoning plan. MSP is an integrated planning process based on the ecosystem of the sea area which emphasis a great collaboration between stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, and all relevant individuals. In recent years, Social Network Analysis (SNA) has been widely use to analyze the process by which stakeholder participation in public decision-making because the interaction between stakeholders can be visualized. The South Penhu Marine Park is established in 2014. Three years later, in July 2017, there was a public proposal on the "Online participation of public policy": "Designate a prohibited fishing zone on Dongji-Siji marine corridor of South Penhu Marine Park". Within 25 days, the proposal has accomplished the threshold of 5000 seconders and thus was initiated. In the next five months, there were 3 pre-collaborative meetings, the collaborative meeting, 3 post-collaborative meetings, press conference, and a final official response. This research conducted a qualitative survey on all participants of the collaborative meeting. According to the nature of the event, two social networks were designed: "opinion consultation network" and "action cooperation network". The SNA method was used to analyses their social relationships "before" and "after" the collaborative meeting. As a result, we can describe the intensity of the social networks and identify influential stakeholders, then further to explore the role, process and management issues of stakeholder involvement in MSP.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學綜合
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