


The Knowledge Construction and Industrial Space Evolution of Nantou Tungpu-daigaz


胡太山(Tai-Shan Hu);林海萍(Hai-Ping Lin);潘思錡(Ssu-Chi Pan);賈秉靜(Ben-Zin Chia)


知識導向 ; 高山原住民 ; 部落產業 ; 人才發展 ; 獵人知識 ; Knowledge-based ; Highland aborigine ; Tribe industry ; Talent development ; Hunter knowledge




39卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


33 - 59






In the past, the development pattern of collective politics of the traditional hunter culture, organization and tribal identity of the indigenous people has changed with the current mode of social development. Leading to the now-young Aboriginal people becoming basic and high-labour productive jobs in cities. However, with the development of industry in the knowledge-based development environment, by attracting technology and knowledge workers, to provide knowledge-oriented regional development forces. We can understand the core needs of the Dong-po tribe with in-depth interviews and questionnaires, by improving transportation, not particular tribal products and lack of consensus within the tribe. In this work, the Tungpu-daigaz has been improved through the acquisition, dissemination, creation and use of knowledge. Construction of an industrial improvement model for the Tungpu-daigaz provided by KBD development: "Knowledge translation" by integrating tribal views with "new hunter knowledge" and promoting collective tribal learning in the form of "knowledge dissemination". Long-term development is based on development needs, and then to stimulate the Government "knowledge production", and continuously improve the flow of knowledge and innovation. Through the development model of "hunting knowledge" of the new hunter culture, it is possible to balance the east Po tribes in constructing the unique culture and life wisdom of the alpine tribes, solve the problems of tribal development, and maintain the ability to guard the environment and balance the sustainable development of the tribes. The study found that the Tungpu-daigaz can effectively link Tungpu Hot Springs and tribal industry resources through the HUB transportation system, and then through the common management model of the tribe's self-media. Create a circular system for the feedback of new hunter knowledge of the Tungpu-daigaz.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學綜合
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