The German sociologist Norbert Elias is an academic legend in the twentieth century: although ”figuration” and ”process” are not dominant concepts at the present, his notion of civilization can still provide instructive advices for the cultural studies in sociology. This essay would therefore at first introduce the main analytical concepts of Elias, his idea of ”human sciences” (Menschenwissenschaften) and some critics about the ”civilizing process”. Then it would be the ”court society” of Elias observed from another perspective with the ”thinking tools” of Pierre Bourdieu -”habitus”, ”field” and ”capital”, in order to show that there are many similarities between the two theories, and it seems that they are even complementary to each other.The conclusions would be that, first; the concept of figuration is so general that the theory of civilization could be more descriptive than analytical. Elias must find some supplementary conceptions, for examples that derive from the life-style studies of Bourdieu can be helpful to explain the process of civilization more lively and reflexively. Second, the classification of capitals has no place for physical violence, which can transform into other categories of capitals legally or illegally and cannot be eliminated from our everyday life, so that it should not be appropriate to dismiss the role of violence. About this, Elias' point of view reminds us that the assumptions of Homo sapiens and of society in sociology are now so ”civilized” that we have nearly forgotten our biological natures. Third, the try of both Elias and Bourdieu to solve the conflict between ”structure” and ”action” seems difficult to be evaluated, since ”society” is a collective concept, the order of the society would therefore occupy the primary position in the sociological studies.
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