


The Translation and Construction of Shi-Jie-Several Cosmopolitanisms in the Discursive Field of Westernization in Early Twentieth Century China




張君玫(Chun-Mei Chuang)


分子化翻譯 ; 文化的多重喻說 ; 世界主義 ; 發言位置性 ; 西化/世界化 ; molecular translation ; Shi-Jie ; Cosmopolitanism ; positionality of enunciation ; westernization/cosmopolitanization




20期(2006 / 06 / 01)


59 - 108






This paper approaches the issue of ”cosmopolitanism” from a theoretical and historical perspective. In the first section, I propose a concept of ”molecular translation” to grasp the dynamic nature of cultural translation. Then I highlight the heterogeneous contexts of ”cosmopolitanism” and ”Shi-Jie” and thereby discuss two positionalities of enunciation labeled as ”cosmopolitanism of tolerance” and. ”cosmopolitanism of participation.” In the second section, I emphasize the metaphoricity of ”culture.” Then I enter into the Chinese context of ”Westernization” to examine several constructions of cosmopolitanism, focusing on the complicated relationships among cosmopolitanism, evolutionism, nationalism and individualism. The third part examines the westernization debate in 1935 to reveal the molecular dynamics and the metaphorical operation underlying the discursive displacement of molar dualisms. The conclusion points to the historically specific situation of a ”nonwestern” subjectivity of enunciation whose modern becoming and evolution can not be based on any grand identities, but has to rely on the dynamic molecular movement transversing the dualistic oppositions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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