


The Emergence of Society from the Perspective of System Theory




阮曉眉(Hsiao-Mei Juan)


萌生 ; 社會系統 ; 互動 ; 社會體 ; emergence ; social system ; interaction ; society




22期(2007 / 06 / 01)


1 - 29






This essay investigates the emergence of society from the perspective of social system Luhmanns. He not only rejects the metaphysical being and positive reality of society, but also challenges the idea of subject as an acting agent. According Luhmann, the basic, indissolvable element of social system is not individual, but communication. Social system is self-referential and consist only of communications. So, Luhmann switchs the difference between individual/society into the difference between interaction/society. Communication is forced to operate in the interaction, and once it is executed, it will be society. For explaining the emergence of society clearly, I try to discuss an follows: to introduce briefly the traditional ideas about society; then, to demonstrate that neither interaction nor society possess the ontological being. On the contrary, they are both the emergent phenomenon consisting of communications and self-referential operational social systems. Basing on the 3 point, I will explore the relationship between interaction and society. It should offer us a perspective, how interaction contributes to the emergence of society. Finally, it will be summarized from the discussions above.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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