


The Concept of Meaning in Luhmann's System Theory




黃鉦堤(Jeng-Ti Huang)


超理論 ; 意義 ; 函數 ; 系統 ; 自我再製 ; super-theory ; meaning ; function ; system ; autopoiesis




22期(2007 / 06 / 01)


111 - 157






Luhmann's system theory is a super-theory. This paper points out that we should use the mathematical concepts of a ”function” to understand Luhmann's functional method. The concept of meaning has five characteristics. First, meaning is a process. Second, the operation way of meaning is autopoiesis. Third, the function of meaning is the reduction of complexity. Fourth, meaning as an operation-mode is applied in special systems. Fifth, there are three meaning dimensions. Luhmann employs the Husserl's ”consciousness” concept and the Heid's ”difference” concept to illustrate the metaphor of meaning. There are three relationships between meaning and system. First, there is a causal-paradox relationship between meaning and system. Second, a functional-structural system can be regarded as a meaning collection. Third, communication is the unit of social system. The author regards the metaphor of meaning as a sub-function, a circle of air current, and the rhythm of music.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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