


Community Consciousness and Sustainable Development: An Analysis of NIMBY and Compensation




劉阿榮(A-Ron Liu);石慧瑩(Hui-Ying Shih)


永續發展 ; 社群意識 ; 鄰避現象 ; 補償金 ; 環境正義 ; Sustainable Development ; community consciousness ; NIMBY syndrome ; compensation ; environmental justice




13卷2期(2004 / 03 / 01)


1 - 32




永續發展(sustainable development)是當前國際性、學術界的重要議題,其核心概念是,人們須考量資源的有限性及環境的容受力,不耗盡資源、污染環境,損及未來之發展。然而,在公共資源及生活享受上,人們總是希望有便利的公共設施,排拒那些可能產生負外部性的公共設施(如垃圾場、焚化爐、發電廠、變電所、加油站……)等,形成最好不要在我家後院,亦即鄰避(Not In My Backyard, NIMBY)現象。另一方面,對被選定爲鄰避設施所在地的「補償」問題,往往也形成另一種衝突,這些牽涉到地方永續發展的事件,不僅有經濟利益的糾葛,也涉及公共政策與環境正義問题。 近年來從各個不同的領域探討鄰避現象,已有相當進展,不過,基於社會心理的群衆意向(社群意識)及環境倫理的「公平正義」,來探討鄰避現象與補償金問題,則較爲罕見,本文即試圖以社群意識與環境倫理的途徑,論述社群主義(communitarianism)的社群意識對地方(或社區)永續發展的影響,並聚焦於「鄰避現象」的社群心理、環境正義之分析;「回饋補償金」作爲分配正義、矯治正義的正向與負向影響,並進一步對近日紛紛擾擾的「環境議題公民投票」,是否反映「社區主義」的社群意識?能否解決專業菁英與民意、民利衝突等問題加以探討。


”Sustainable development” is currently a globally and academically concerned issue, which primarily refers to environmental issues. The core concept is that human being must begin to realize both the limitation of resources and the maximum acceptability of environment in order not to over consume the resources, pollute surroundings and jeopardize future development. However, regarding to the public resources and daily living, people always would like to have convenient public facilities nearby, yet, people strongly oppose those facilities' which generate negative effects, such as waste dump, incinerator, power plant, transformer station, gas station. This public reaction has been interpreted as a phenomenon called. ”NIMBY” (Not In My Back Yard). On the other hand, how to justly negotiate the deal of compensation to where has been selected as ”NIMBY” facilities becomes a difficult problem to handle. In most occasions, it even turns to be conflicting situations. Those issues, which relate to sustainable development not only associate with troublesome knotty benefits, but also connect to public policy and environmental justice. In recent years, a promising progress has been made with regard to the phenomenon of ”NIMBY” from different aspects. However, it is infrequent to confer the phenomenon of ”NIMBY” and the issue of compensation on the bases of public psyche (community consciousness) and justice (environmental ethics). With the approaches of ”community consciousness” and ”environmental ethics”, this essay begins to delineate the impact of communitarianism on the local (or community) sustainable development. Meanwhile, it emphasizes on the analysis on the public psyche and environmental justice. On the other hand, the essay focuses on the positive and negative influences of compensation as a method to divine justice. Furthermore, it reviews the latest event of public referendum on environmental issue regarding whether the referendum could honestly reflects the community consciousness of ”communitarianism.” And, could the referendum ultimately solve the contradictions between professional examinations and public opinion, public benefit.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 管理學