


Sustainable Development and Planning of Administrative Division




紀俊臣(Chun-Chen Chi)


永續發展 ; 行政區劃 ; 行政區域 ; 區域自主 ; sustainable development ; administrative division ; administrative area ; community autonomy




13卷2期(2004 / 03 / 01)


65 - 100




追求永續發展,在一國之內應以行政區劃之再設計和規劃著手,也需要注重整體性的規劃,應將國土計畫、區域計畫及都市計畫皆納入考量,使其具有永續發展的思維架構。 行政區劃原理所劃定的行政管轄範圍,應該以如何提昇服務品質為劃分最高原則,而劃定之考量因子,在於如何符合生態之變化,來因應資源的合理分配。實施地方自治的國家,更當重落實區域自主的本旨,排除人口分布之失衡現象。 然而在地方區域劃定後,可能因時空變遷,使原有之行政區域,不能因應當時所需。所以,適時調整行政區劃,且著重永續發展均應列為最優先的考量因子,並且滿足民眾對資源分配之期許,将有裨於地方發展之趨向現代化,並且持續改革,以形塑地方的進步和永續。


Pursuing sustainable development in a country should start with administrative division redesign and plan. We stress the need for an integral plan, which should take into account national comprehensive planning, regional planning and urban planning, hoping to incorporate it within the conceptual framework of sustainable development. Administrative jurisdiction areas set by administration division theory should be built upon the highest principle which is how to improve the quality of service. And the primary factor to be considered for division is how to adapt itself to the ecological change and to decide the reasonable allocation of resource. The country practicing local self-rule should emphasize on the implementation of community autonomy and the equilibrium of population distribution. Nevertheless, after the local area division, what was originally designed may not accommodate with the change in time and space, thereby rendering the existent division obsolete. Therefore, the primary consideration should be taken to readjust timely the administrative division and to emphasize sustainable development. Equally important is to satisfy the population's expectation on resource allocation, which can help modernize local development and with continuous reforms, it can further craft local progress and sustainability.

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社會科學 > 管理學
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