


The Paradoxes and Unintended Consequences of New Public Management Reform




張世杰(Shih-Jye Chang);陳炳宏(Ping-Hung Chen)


新公共管理 ; 行政改革 ; 公共政策的弔詭 ; 非意圖結果 ; new public management ; administrative reform ; public policy paradox ; unintended consequence




21卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


113 - 149




本論文企圖從政策的非意圖結果之研究角度,來探討近三十年來新公共管理改革所可能產生的弔詭現象。弔詭現象的存在代表著公共政策體系必須同時滿足相互衝突的價值目標,以及顯示出公共政策規劃與執行過程時常會招致非意圖結果。本論文將結合Robert K. Merton的「有目的行動之非預期結果」觀點和公共管理政策變遷之歷史制度論分析途徑,來探討這些弔詭現象產生的可能原因,並期望對公共管理政策體系的深層結構和潛在價值衝突之緊張關係,能促進更深入之理解。


Adopting a lens of unintended policy consequences, this article attempts to explore the paradoxical phenomena New Public Management (NPM) Reform has produced over nearly three decades. These paradoxical phenomena represent contradicting value and goals which public policy system should satisfy simultaneously, and also indicate that public policy planning and implantation often give rise to unintended consequences. This article will try to combine Robert K. Merton’s perspective of "unanticipated consequences of purposive action" and a historical institutionalist approach to public management policy change to explore the possible causal explanations of theses paradoxical phenomena. In this way, it will help to enhance profound understanding of the deep structures and hidden value conflicts in public management policy system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 管理學
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