


The impact of contacted experiences on public attitudes toward the police: A Taipei Metropolitan perspective




賴擁連(Yung-Lien Lai)


法釋義學 ; 立法學 ; 法政策學 ; 政策法學 ; Police-citizen relations (PCR) ; Community policing (COP) ; Attitudes toward the police (ATP) ; Police-citizen contact experiences ; Policing legitimacy




22卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1 - 29




民眾對於警察態度之研究,在歐美國家已發展約有50 年歷史,其研究目的在於瞭解民眾眼中的警察是何種形象以及警察的作為是否符合民眾之需求,以強調警察執法工作的合法性,因此受到各級警察機關的重視,研究結果經常作為警察機關改進執法與提升服務的重要參考。近年來臺灣的警政發展,已從過去的權威的警政(為執政當局服務)轉變成民主警政(為民眾服務),在此轉型階段,民眾對於警察態度之議題,更顯重要。本研究藉由西方國家所發展出的多面向民眾對警察態度以及三種預測該態度的因素群,針對大臺北地區1,806位年滿18 歲以上的市民,進行電話訪問,特別著重在民眾與警察接觸經驗,是否與其對於警察在一般性與社區服務兩方面的態度,存有關聯性。結果顯示有主動接觸經驗的受訪者對於警察的一般性態度與社區服務態度,顯著高於被動接觸經驗的受訪者。在迴歸分析方面,未有與警察接觸的受訪者中,鄰里脈絡是決定其對警察態度的重要因素群,但對於曾有警察接觸經驗者,接觸經驗的滿意程度,則是決定渠等滿意警察態度的關鍵因素。換言之,無論是主動接觸警察與被動接觸警察,如果警察能夠正視與民眾的接觸經驗,提高接觸過程的品質,將可以進一步提升民眾對於警察的態度與形象,強化警察執法的合法性。


While public attitudes toward the police (ATP) has become a key area of policing research in those democratic societies, this issue has been largely ignored in Taiwan society. The purpose of this study is to explore understanding of ATP by examining how demographics, neighborhood contexts and, specifically, contacted police experiences impact two different dimensions of attitudes: global and police neighborhood services. The findings indicated that those respondents who had voluntary contact experiences significantly hold more favorable ATP than their counterparts across two dimensions. Results derived from a series of OLS regressions showed that, among all respondents, educational attainment, marriage, victimization, and neighborhood contexts impact citizens' assessments to police. While police-initiated contact reduced the levels of public global image, citizen-initiated contact increased the magnitude of satisfaction with police performance. At the same time, marriage, residential length, and neighborhood contexts determined citizens' ratings of police among non-contact experience group. Although the impacts of demographics and neighborhood contexts varied across two dimensions of ATP, regardless of citizen/police-initiated contacts, respondents who were satisfied with contact experiences with police reported higher levels of satisfaction with police, suggesting the contact quality really matters during citizen-police encountering.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 管理學
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