


The Practice of Social Justice in Public Administration: Justice Perceptions Index Building and Empirical Study




張其祿(Chyi-Lu Jang)


正義 ; 公平 ; 公共行政 ; 正義知覺指標 ; Justice ; Equity ; Public Administration ; Justice Perceptions Index




22卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


92 - 112




本研究之主要研究目的在對公平正義價值在公共行政上之實踐進行學理觀念及發展思潮之檢視,並且以公平正義價值在公共行政上的落實為問題導向,設計及建構政府施政之正義知覺指標(Justice Perceptions Index forPublic Administration, JPIPA),並對指標構面及其相關題項的信度與效度進行檢驗。本研究首先透過文獻回顧,對公平正義價值在公共行政學理上之論述與發展、公平正義價值及其構面指標的界定、分配不均與總體社會發展之關連性等課題進行系統性之回顧及分析,歸納整理出公平正義價值對政府施政的影響,以及其核心的影響構面與指標,包括宏觀分析層次的正義價值判斷、中觀政策層次的施政優先順序選擇,乃至微觀行為層次對分配、程序、訊息、人際等方面的規範等皆為極重要的正義知覺內涵,並且是人民評價政府是否達成善治之基礎。本研究再透過政策德菲法之專家共識凝聚等方式,經兩回合之專家共識問卷操作以匯聚專家對「政府施政正義知覺指標(JPIPA)」構面與題項指標的共識,共計獲至三大構面與18 項之分項指標題項。最後再經150 份小規模前測樣本資料之驗證性因素分析確認資料之信效度皆能符合理論模型與資料間的適配性,證明本研究所發展之政府施政正義知覺指標(JPIPA)具有相當的信、效度及可應用性。


This study is designed to be the empirical exploration on social justice/equity theory and practice in public administration. Social justice/equity is often referred to as the second pillar in PA, after efficiency/economy. It concerns itself with the fairness of the organization, its management, and its delivery of public policies. This study will offer general descriptions of social justice/equity in terms of its arguments and claims in changing political, economic, and social circumstances, and trace the development of the concept over the past few decades. This study will also present a new Justice Perceptions Index for Public Administration (JPIPA). It is the first time multidimensional justice/equity is estimated in Taiwan. This tool could be used to measure the perceived levels of justice or injustice in PA, and track the goals for good governance. The JPIPA sends a powerful message and governments have been forced to take notice and act.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 管理學
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