Under the ideal of "aging in place", the Government has promoted the Long-term Care 2.0 plan in 2017. For an "easy-to-find, easy-to-access and affordable" system, the Government combined the central government, local governments, NGO, and communities to build a comprehensive "social safety net", which requires public-private partnership to provide long-term care services. The process of delivering long-term care services equals to the relationship between the principal and the agent, which may cause the principal-agent problems including information asymmetry, hidden action, and hidden information. In order to reduce those problems, it is necessary to examine the process of long-serving service delivery. Based on the principle of long-term care service demander first, this paper tries to give some advices to complete the function of long-term care service delivery, including strengthening the distinguish mechanism, establishing the mechanism of incentive compatibility, establishing the mechanism of internalizing agency cost, positioning the core functions of the long-term care management center, strengthening the management and supervision of the community integrated service center, and incorporating the contract design perspective in the service process.
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