With the trend of globalization, the scope of public management is expanding and management methods are becoming more diverse. Public administration not only relies on corporate management methods and the perspective of incorporating sociological voluntary action, including the hybrid organization, social enterprises. It combines the "non-profit spirit" and " "market-oriented means" as a new way to solve social problems, and assists government in solving endless social problems. Social enterprises are fundamentally different from general enterprises. The purpose of this research are to use a successful social enterprise case- Leezen Enterprise Co., Ltd. to confirm the distribution and attributes of stakeholders through the "co-occurrence" relationship from the objective events, analyze the social network interaction of stakeholders in social enterprises through social network analysis and to explore the differences in stakeholder management between social enterprises and general enterprises. The results of this study show that successful social enterprises have a wide range of stakeholder identification, keep friendly with the general environment and have more opportunities to cooperate with stakeholders outside the organization. In order to maintain the social value of the organization, the social enterprise pays more attention to the inheritance of the organizational culture to the stakeholders, and the employee training focus more on the transmission of the organizational value. In addition, the results of the social network analysis of Leezen Enterprise Co., Ltd. show that the density of social network of Leezen's stakeholders is high, indicating that the overall relationship between stakeholders is tight. The overall social network of stakeholders, managers, employees, producers and environmental appeals have a high degree of centrality which means they have more participation and influence in the network. In summary, compared with ordinary enterprises, economic profit is the main goal for these companies. Customers are their most important stakeholders. However, as a successful social enterprise, the social network relationships of Leezen's stakeholders are based on cooperation of supply chain relationship among natural environment, producer, sellers, and consumers to achieve the dual values of social mission and economic autonomy. This successful business model of the stakeholder management strategies is a benchmark for social enterprises.
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