


The social network anaylsis of stakeholders in social enterprise-the case of Leezen Enterprise Co., Ltd




張雅婷(Ya-Ting Chang)


社會企業 ; 利害關係人理論 ; 社會網絡分析 ; 混合型組織 ; Social enterprise ; stakeholder theory ; social network analysis ; hybrid organization




26卷3期(2020 / 09 / 01)


30 - 63




隨著全球化的趨勢,公共管理的範疇日益擴大,行政管理方法更趨於多元。公共行政運用企業管理方法,納入社會學志願性行動的觀點,並發展社會企業組織型態,以混合型組織(Hybrid Organization)結合「非營利的精神」與「市場導向的手段」,作為解決社會問題的新途徑。社會企業相較於一般企業具有根本上的差異性,本研究目的在於透過成功的社會企業個案-里仁事業股份有限公司,從該公司的客觀事件中藉由「共現」關係確證利害關係人的分布與屬性,並以社會網絡分析法分析社會企業利害關係人的社會網絡關係,以瞭解社會企業利害關係人的社會網絡互動情形,進而探討社會企業與一般企業於利害關係人管理上的差異。本研究結果顯示,成功的社會企業之利害關係人的分布與屬性廣泛,重視與總體環境互動,並與組織外部之利害關係人具有合作友好關係。為維持組織社會價值及達到社會目的,社會企業與整體利害關係人之間,特別強調社會企業組織文化的傳承與組織價值的傳遞。另依社會網絡分析結果顯示,整體利害關係人之間緊密連結,此對於社會使命的傳達與維持具有顯著正向影響;而分析其整體社會網絡關係中,以管理者、員工及生產者、環境訴求對象具有較高的中心性,顯示前述利害關係人對於該社會企業的運作具有高度的參與性及影響力。綜上,以經濟利潤為主要目標的企業,股東及顧客為主要的利害關係人,而成功的社會企業,型塑自然環境、生產者、銷售者、消費者的利害關係人社會網絡關係,以此互助合作的供應鏈關係,達到社會使命與經濟自主的雙重目標。該公司的成功經營模式,可作為政府扶植社會企業的策略,亦可作為社會企業經營管理利害關係人關係的標竿學習對象。


With the trend of globalization, the scope of public management is expanding and management methods are becoming more diverse. Public administration not only relies on corporate management methods and the perspective of incorporating sociological voluntary action, including the hybrid organization, social enterprises. It combines the "non-profit spirit" and " "market-oriented means" as a new way to solve social problems, and assists government in solving endless social problems. Social enterprises are fundamentally different from general enterprises. The purpose of this research are to use a successful social enterprise case- Leezen Enterprise Co., Ltd. to confirm the distribution and attributes of stakeholders through the "co-occurrence" relationship from the objective events, analyze the social network interaction of stakeholders in social enterprises through social network analysis and to explore the differences in stakeholder management between social enterprises and general enterprises. The results of this study show that successful social enterprises have a wide range of stakeholder identification, keep friendly with the general environment and have more opportunities to cooperate with stakeholders outside the organization. In order to maintain the social value of the organization, the social enterprise pays more attention to the inheritance of the organizational culture to the stakeholders, and the employee training focus more on the transmission of the organizational value. In addition, the results of the social network analysis of Leezen Enterprise Co., Ltd. show that the density of social network of Leezen's stakeholders is high, indicating that the overall relationship between stakeholders is tight. The overall social network of stakeholders, managers, employees, producers and environmental appeals have a high degree of centrality which means they have more participation and influence in the network. In summary, compared with ordinary enterprises, economic profit is the main goal for these companies. Customers are their most important stakeholders. However, as a successful social enterprise, the social network relationships of Leezen's stakeholders are based on cooperation of supply chain relationship among natural environment, producer, sellers, and consumers to achieve the dual values of social mission and economic autonomy. This successful business model of the stakeholder management strategies is a benchmark for social enterprises.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 管理學
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