


The Interactive Process Among Agents In Complex Adaptive System: Shezidao Development Project in Taipei City




陳夢琨(Meng-Kwen Chen)


作用者 ; 社子島開發案 ; 複雜適應系統 ; 溝通 ; agents ; Shezidao development project ; complex adaptive system ; communication




27卷4期(2021 / 12 / 01)


56 - 85




臺北市社子島以往遇豪雨、颱風,就會淹水,1970年在洪患治理考量下,評估社子島不宜開發,成為禁建區;其後,台北市政府施政有所改善。2014年臺北市長柯文哲,為實現選舉政見,加速開發社子島,在2016年2月底以i-Voting確定為「生態社子島」開發案:其後居民抗爭不斷,至2020年9月底,仍未有具體結果。本文探討其原因。本文從複雜適應系統(Complex Adaptive System, CAS)探討社子島開發案作用者(agents)的實際作為、作用者的互動所形成複雜性系統、作用者之作用受到環境的影響、作用者受到各自作用動力(自我利益、或公共利益)的驅使、作用者之間實際互動過程,及其互動結果,最終仍然是路徑依賴,開發案進展有限。本文採用深度訪談法,獲得研究結果:作用者以台北市政府的作用力最大,要加速開發,造成房地產熱絡,也產生反作用力,居民抗爭和對立增多,並遭到監察院糾正。而當地作用者也未形成共識,分成支持與反對兩大壁壘分明之派別,學者專家也連署反對台北市政府開發案,缺乏有力人士居間協調謀合。本研究結論:實證複雜性理論著重作用者的作為,在本案研究具有分析力,做為社子島開發案最主要的作用者台北市政府對其他的作用者溝通力不足,未形塑共識,卻強行開發,導致反作用力,紛爭不斷,開發案宕延。


Shezidao in Taipei City used to be flooded due to heavy rains and typhoons. In 1970. under the consideration of flood control, it was assessed that Shezidao was not suitable for development and became a prohibited construction area. In 2014, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-Zhe accelerated the development of Shezidao to realize his electoral political platform. At the end of February 2016, i-Voting identified it as a development project of "Ecological Shezido". Then residents started to protest, and by the end of September 2020, there were still No concrete results. This article explores why. This paper discusses the interactive processes of the agents with "the Complex Adaptive System (CAS)" in the Shezidao Development Project. The complex system is formed by the interaction of the agents. The role of the agents is affected by the environment, and they are affected with each other also. The driving force of agent is self-interest, or public interest. In this case their interaction results are ultimately path-dependent, and the progress of development projects is limited. This article adopts the in-depth interview method and obtains the research results: the Taipei City Government, which has the greatest influence in this case, has accelerated the development, caused the real estate to become popular, and also made reaction force. The local agents did not reach consensus, and were divided into two factions with clear barriers: support and opposition. Scholars and experts also jointly signed against the Shezidao development. There is lack of special strong agents to coordinate and conspire. The conclusion of this research: The complexity theory has analytical power in this case study. As the main agent in the Shezidao development case, the Taipei City Government has insufficient communicative skills with other agents, and has not formed consensus. However, the Shezidao development was forcibly developed by the Taipei City Government with resulting in reactionary forces, constant disputes, and delays in the development project.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 管理學
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