


Work Pressure and Coping Strategies of The Military Counseling Officers




嚴巧珊(Chiao-Shan Yen)


心輔官 ; 職場壓力 ; 替代性創傷 ; 零自傷案件 ; 自我照顧 ; military counseling officers ; work pressure ; vicarious trauma ; zero self-injury case ; self-care




28卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


32 - 53






Purpose: This study mainly discusses the inner feelings and emotional stress of the work experience of the military counseling officers, as well as their stress coping strategies and future directions. Methods: In this study, 8 military counseling officers belonging to different units were interviewed by means of purposive sampling, and individual in-depth interviews were used to collect data, and the "thematic analysis method" was used as the method of data analysis. Results: The workplace stress of military counseling officer is mainly due to the conflict and powerlessness of multiple professional work, plus the pressure of zero self-injury case expectations, the ethical dilemma of dual roles, and vicarious trauma. Coping with workplace stress is based on "self-care" and "organizational coping strategies". Conclusions: The counseling work of the military is a long-term and comprehensive work. The counselor is an important pivotal role in the network of counseling. How to maintain their counseling energy is an important issue. Finally, this study proposes feasible strategies for counselors' stress coping.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 管理學
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