


A Spatial Critique on Xian's Urban Strategy under Development of the Modernity




洪醒漢(Hsing-Han Hung)


空間的表徵 ; 活現的空間 ; 都市文化地理學 ; 西安 ; Representation of space ; space of Representation ; Urban Cultural Geography ; Xian




49期(2008 / 11 / 01)


1 - 26






Being the ancient capital in China, there must be a lot of historical and cultural heritages which were the proud of the Xian. The authority concerned tries to make use of such advantages, creating the city as the famous historical capital around the world. Since 1949, it was quite important to preserve such heritages when making the urban planning, but as we see nowadays, many historical constructions in Xian were destroyed during these years. To realize how the history played the important role during the process of the urban development is the basic issue which will be discussed in this essay. And how will the authority concerned fulfill their goal to rebuild Xian as the most famous historical city of the world?The keyword and the perspectives of this essay is ”representation”, which would be the basement of the critical analysis in Urban Culture Geography. It is important to realize the gap between ”representation of space” (such as urban planning) and ”spatial practice” (such as the constructions and creations of the space), and to interpret the diversity of the modern city with the viewpoint of the ”representational space”. By such analysis, this essay tries to understand how the authority concerned applied the culture capitals to match the goal of the economic development. In a word, although the government always declares the importance of the preservation of the heritages, the economical increase still plays the key role in the strategy of the urban development.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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