


Industrial Transition of Resource Community: 4 Cases Analysis in Taiwan




梁炳琨(Bang-Kuen Liang)


地方內外連結 ; 生產與消費連結 ; 多因分析 ; 互補分析 ; Articulation between Local and Extra-Local ; Articulation between Production and Consumption ; Multicausal Analysis ; Complementary Analysis




51期(2009 / 11 / 01)


1 - 21






This study explores industry transition approach of resource communities in Taiwan, and trying to establish analytical framework of industry transition of resource communities. These 4 cases study are Saviki village, Tien-Wei township, Chin-Shang township and Taken scenic area. Pressure and spatial filter, articulation between local and extra-local, articulation between production and consumption are important research approaches to industry transition of resource communities. This study discovers 3 points. Firstly, the resource communities industry transition are driven by pressure of multi-spatial scale, including the outside pressure of global and national scale, as well as the inside pressure of community. Secondly, there are various resource industries patterns of the transition of resource communities, including one old resource industry (quality rice industry of Chin-Shang community), new resource industry (tourism industry of Saviki community) and extended multi-resources industries (leisure agriculture of Tien-Wei and Taken community). Lastly, the analytical framework of industry transition of resource communities includes 3 points. 1、Pressure of multi-spatial scale initiates resource industry transition. 2、Resource industry is transited by complementary and synergetic relationship from articulation between local and extra-local, articulation between production and consumption two research approaches. 3、Resource industry transition makes local or products change.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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