


Reconstruction of Temperature, Precipitation and Weather Characteristics over the Yangtze River Delta Area in Ming Dynasty




談珮華(Pei-Hua Tan);廖惠旻(Hui-Min Liao)


氣溫 ; 降水 ; 劇烈天氣 ; 颱風 ; 龍捲風 ; temperature ; precipitation ; severe weather ; typhoon ; tornado




57期(2012 / 11 / 01)


61 - 87






This study is aimed to reconstruct the climatic and weather characteristics of Ming Dynasty (the year of 1368-1644) in the Yangtze River Delta Area through analyzing the weather descriptions in the historical documents. We focus on temporal variation of temperature and precipitation, and spatio-temporal variations of typhoons, tornadoes and hails. The combination of temperature and precipitation characteristics can be summarized as follows. (1) The 1^(st) period (1368-1519): a warmer summer temperature, a strong variation between precipitation and winter temperature. (2) The 2^(nd) period (1520-1559): less rainfall, warmer summer and winter temperatures. (3) The 3^(rd) period (1560-1624): more rainfall, warmer in the early stage and colder in the late stage for summer and winter temperatures. (4) The 4^(th) period (1625-1643): much less rainfall, colder summer and winter temperatures. There were drier climates during the 2^(nd) and 4^(th) periods, however, the latter has a stronger intensity than the former. The climate is warm and dry in the 2^(nd) period, and cold and dry in the 4^(th) period. Overall, this area was colder in the Ming Dynasty than the present time because the snow records could be found in summer for several years. Typhoon, tornado and tornado have a frequency of 2.7, 0.7 and 2.9 for every ten years, a maximum occurrence of 4, 3 and 3, and occur mostly during June-September (summer and fall), June-July (summer) and March-May (spring and summer) in the solar calendar, respectively. Typhoon tends to occur in the areas along the sea, rivers and lake, and with higher urban development. Tornado tends to occur in the areas along the sea and rivers rather than the Taihu Lake. Hail occurred mostly in the areas around the Taihu Lake and less along the coastline area.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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