


Exploring 'Geographies of Education': Learners, Sites of Learning and Communities of Learners




謝雨潔(Yu-Chieh Hsieh)


教育地理學 ; 兒童地理學 ; 青少年 ; 學生 ; 教育空間 ; 新自由主義 ; geography of education ; children's geographies ; young people ; student ; space of education ; neoliberalism




60期(2014 / 06 / 01)


87 - 106






Since 2000, there has been an emerging trend of research on education in the discipline of Geography. A term like 'geography of education' and other similar phrases increasingly show on the papers of conferences, titles of conference sessions and as conference themes per se. Also, more importantly, publications of journal special issues and books on geographies of education have been issued. Evidently, a growing interest of studying education within Geography can be detected. Thus, this paper aims at introducing existing geographical literature on educational issues in order to highlight the significance of this developing field. This paper emphasizes research carried out at three scales closer to everyday life in particular, including learners, sites of learning and communities of learners. Although studies of geographies of education are at the early stage, considering the influences of educational restructuring in relation to global economy on geographical processes and consequences, scholars need to pay more attention to this overlooked area. In brief, conducting geographical research on education, which would be a forward-looking project, because no matter from the individual to the global or from the micro to the macro scale, education not only affects people's lives here and now, but also reflects their deep expectation of the world in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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