


The Cluster and Innovation Network of Yacht Industry in Kaohsiung




陳振杰(Jen-Jie Chen);吳連賞(Lien-Shang Wu)


高雄 ; 遊艇 ; 產業群聚 ; 區域創新系統 ; Kaohsuing ; Yacht Industry ; Industry Cluster ; Regional Innovation System




62期(2015 / 05 / 01)


1 - 24






The purpose of this study is to discuss the innovative network of the yacht industry clusters and innovation. The methods of this study include data collection and in-depth interview with 43 interviewees from government authorities, research groups, scholars, and representative companies. The result shows that geographical proximity of the firms and contractor's liquidity make yacht technologies diffusion. Meanwhile, friendship between the engineers as well as information exchange among suppliers accelerates the flow of knowledge within the field through formal and informal interaction. In addition, yacht technology spreads and innovative ideas come into being indirectly because of the transfer of employees and more and more new yacht factories set up by former employees. This is the embeddedness of the cluster. On the other hand, SOIC (Ship and Ocean Industries R&D Center) offers technology development and personnel training. MIRDC (Metal Industries Research & Development Centre) helps firms set up industry alliance to overcome technological problems. Thus, the innovative learning of the yacht cluster makes the industry sticky to the locality.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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