
Technologies for Diversity: Governance for Difference, Justice and Sustainability in Pluralist Democracies






Richard Howitt


原住民權利 ; 環境與社會正義 ; 永續性 ; 治理 ; 人類世 ; Indigenous rights ; environmental and social justice ; sustainability ; governance ; Anthropocene




63期(2015 / 11 / 01)


55 - 71






Starting from recognition that all environmental systems in the Anthropocene are coupled human-and-natural systems, and that environmental policy inescapably entangles people and nature, this paper argues that strategies for sustainability must include approaches to governance that foster respectful and generous being-together-in-place. Despite the best efforts of philosophers of difference over the past half century or more, human societies continue to be deeply troubled by cultural, religious, ethnic and ideological diversity in their midst. Reflecting on Indigenous Peoples' experience under conditions of democratic government in Australasia and Taiwan, the paper argues that technologies of governance that foster and prioritise inclusion, recognition and participation as key principals for evaluating success are central to enabling just and sustainable futures. The paper briefly invites exploration of both impediments to and opportunities for transformative practice in areas of environmental and social justice.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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