


Framing and Networking: The Social Production and Governance of Wetlands in Taiwan




李涵茹(Han-Ru Lee);王志弘(Chih-Hung Wang)


濕地 ; 環境治理 ; 都市自然 ; 水岸 ; 保育 ; Wetland ; environmental governance ; urban nature ; waterfront, conservation




64期(2016 / 05 / 01)


115 - 148






Using concepts of framing and networking, this article aims to examine the social production of the wetlands network as well as the transformation and types of governance. The authors divide the development of wetland conservation in Taiwan into three different but overlapping framing types: tidal land within a coastal development framework, mudflats within mangrove swamps and a water bird conservation framework, and wetlands within an ecosystem services and purification framework, by which the transformation of production, discourse and governance of the wetlands is unfolded. Then, the authors turn to the networking of waterfront wetland governance in the Taipei metropolitan area, including environmentalist NGO initiatives, government-led large-scale wetlands conservation and purification, as well as community-based small-scale wetlands for ecological education, seeking to identify the implied state-social relations. Finally, the article points out various changes. The gradual expansion of wetland networks in Taiwan is not only a respond to the trend of environmental governance under climate change and regional competition, but also the result of the mutual reinforcement of framing and networking.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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