This study adopts the perspective of the mutual construction of space and society. It explores the issues of social exclusion and negotiation in the public space at Tamsui MRT station. Specifically, this research aims to understand the ways in which young people produce and transform the public space into a street dance location. We explore how the 'adultized' public space is reproduced by young street dancers. In doing this, this research emphasizes society needs to pay more attention to young people’s need of space. The methods adopted in the study are observation, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview. The participants include pedestrians, street dancing young people and MRT managers of the Tamsui MRT station. These methods are used to investigate the ways in which the social differences in social roles, age, and gender create the mechanism of inclusion and exclusion between the self and the other. There are three parts to this research finding. First, people with more social resources can exclude others’ usage rights, and therefore teenagers may be excluded. Second, more rational behavior can lead to a negotiable space. Third, if people try to understand others, public spaces would be friendlier. Soc ial exclusion has multiple networks that might be changed. The research findings suggest the publicity of public spaces can be improved if young people have opportunities to express their needs. Respecting the requirements and differences between users of public spaces is also needed.
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