


Decolonizing Cultural Landscape Repressentions: The Making of 'Chanting Map' by Tayal people




蕭世暉(Pasang Hsiao);汪明輝(tibusungu 'e vayayana)


解殖民 ; 文化地景 ; 泰雅族 ; 地圖繪製 ; 古調吟唱(Lmuhuw) ; Decolonization ; cultural landscape ; Tayal people ; mapping ; traditional chanting of Tayal(Lmuhuw)




65期(2016 / 11 / 01)


107 - 142






Since indigenous peoples have been merged into nation state governance, they often forced to recognize their own living spaces from the map made by the others perspectives of colonial powers. They are also forced to place and represent themselves from the perspectives of the come rulers. Thus the configuration of colonial cultural landscape been shaped. Under the situation of contemporary indigenous movements about land and cultural restoration, indigenous peoples realize that, they must make their own maps in order to redefine and relocate their own living spaces. In recent years, indigenous community mapping has been prevalent. Indigenous community mapping is not only a way to appeal the land rights, but also a way to decolonize cultural landscapes. As mapping having been a tool of landscape representation, how to do that, not only related to the political power struggle, but also include struggling of cultural differences and competitions. This paper will take a Tayal people traditional territory mapping action as example that are committed to the Tayal traditional way of mapping by chanting, to explore the decolonization implications of cultural landscape construction by indigenous mapping.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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