


The Translation of Foucault's Heterotopia




王志弘(Chih-Hung Wang)


翻譯政治 ; 跨界 ; 差異地點 ; 異質空間 ; 異托邦 ; Translation politics ; border-crossing ; heterotopia




65期(2016 / 11 / 01)


75 - 105




傅柯以heterotopia 指稱介於真實空間(real space)和烏托邦(utopia,虛構空間)之間,既真實又虛幻的所在,具有凝縮異質元素於一處而迸發的擾動潛能。這個概念通過英譯及中譯,影響臺灣的空間研究學界,並擴及文學與傳播研究,體現了轉譯與運用舶來概念的本地知識狀況。本文檢視引用heterotopia 的本地研究,比較其譯名、概念內涵、適用案例及論證。作者發現,這些運用多為簡化概念後予以套用,少見置入傅柯思想和具體脈絡的辨析,也未檢討heterotopias概念的缺失。究其原因,除了理論翻譯必然的開放性,也涉及早期引用的示範與仿效;臺灣批判性知識生產急需具備正當性的理論工具;以及,舶來概念及其轉譯的陌生難解,具有誘人的美學魅力。作者主張,要推展heterotopia 的本地轉化,可以通過經驗研究來累積問題意識和分析語彙。再者,翻譯作為跨界而滋生差異的行動,正涉及了heterotopia 的營造。


The term heterotopia is used by Foucault to indicate the space located between real space and utopia. Heterotopia is real yet unreal, and is where heterogeneous elements agglomerate to generate potential of disturbance. Via translation reproduced in English and Chinese, the notion of heterotopia has influenced the field of space studies in Taiwan, and has even impacted studies of literature and communication. This phenomenon shows how the local knowledge system has often appropriated translation and borrowed ideas. This article examines local studies drawing upon the idea of heterotopia, making comparisons of the translations and connotations of the term, and the cases where it has been adopted and the argumentations claimed within. It is found that most of the studies only apply heterotopia in a most reductionist manner. They rarely fit the articles within Foucauldian context and argumentation, and hardly reflect on its deficiency. While the openness of theory translation might have contributed to this outcome, three other factors should also be discussed: 1) the demonstration effect of heterotopia-related writings during the early period; 2) the urgent need in Taiwan to produce critical knowledge to obtain legitimacy through theoretical tools at the time; 3) the ambiguity arising due to the appealing aesthetics and charm of borrowed ideas. This study argues that the indigenization of the term heterotopia could be based on the enhancement of the problematizing ability and analytical vocabulary, both of which should be obtained via empirical studies. Since translation itself is a border-crossing action which generates difference, heterotopia has actually fit itself into this process as part of its product.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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