A large amount of immigration attracted by the development of industrial areas and transportation construction has caused Taoyuan City to develop rapidly, and led to land use changes. Influenced by the historical and political context, there are dual developmental traits of Taoyuan District in the north and Chungli District in the south. However, most past research on land use changes neglected the spatial traits of the phenomena of geographical distribution, causing bias against the derivation of patterns. Innovation in spatial statistics methods has helped handle spatial effect problems. The purpose of this research is to help understand the distribution patterns and the influencing factors of the changes in the built-up areas of Taoyuan district, and examine the influence the spatial effects have had. This study used a spatial autocorrelation index to detect the spatial patterns of the built-up area change; furthermore, we used Geographically Weighted Regression to examine the influencing factors of the changes in the built-up areas, and the effectiveness of spatial heterogeneity. The results of the research show built-up areas dramatically increased in the Taoyuan area from 1995 to 2006. In recent years the districts have developed the fastest in the peri-urban areas of Chulgli-Pingzhen as well as the peri-urban areas of Taoyuan District, and Gongsi, Guishan. We know from the local regression coefficient of Semiparametric Geographically Weighted Regression that, the changes in population density and growth of employees in the tertiary sector in such areas as the northern part of Taoyuan District, Luzhu, Guishan, Dayuan, have had a greater impact on the changes in built-up areas; effects of growth of employees in the secondary sector are confined to coastal districts; the proportion of negative effects is the largest in the original industrial land of Taoyuan District and Bade District; the changes in the build-up areas have had a greater impact on the distance from interchanges-only around specific interchanges, such as Linkou, Chungli, Neili, Danan-; the distance from train stations, the proportion of original agricultural land, and the proportion of original vacant land, these three in such core areas as Taoyuan District, Bade District, Chulgli-Pingzhen District, are crucial to the changes in the built-up areas. Overall, the factors of the changes of built-up areas in Taoyuan area show great differences between the north and south, as well as urban and rural areas.
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