


Landslide Leads to Different Futures: A Comparison of Disaster Perception and Adaptation Behavior of Two Indigenous Atayal Tribal Communities




劉晏汝(Yan-Ru Liou);吳國銘(Guo-Ming Wu);林貝珊(Pei-Shan Sonia Lin)


災後復原 ; 避難疏散 ; 降低災害風險 ; 嘎色鬧部落 ; 合流部落 ; post-disaster recovery ; shelter and evacuation ; disaster risk reduction ; Ksunu ; Heliu




72期(2020 / 11 / 01)


35 - 54






Heavy rainfall associated with Typhoon Soudelor in 2015 both directly and indirectly caused landslide disaster events that affected two indigenous Atayal tribes, the Heliu and the Ksunu, who were residing in Taoyuan City. The affected tripes made the decision to either rebuild in-situ (Ksunu) or relocate to a nearby location (Heliu). This study uses hazard perception and adaptive behavior to explore the similarities and differences between the two tribes' reconstruction decisions and recovery processes. In-depth interviews were conducted to collect first-hand data for comparison. Results showed that factors such as level of impact significantly influenced disaster perception; moreover, it was directly related to adaptive behavior, such as willingness to evacuate in the future or the selection of the relocation site. As relocation could essentially reduce disaster risk, the relocated residents' willingness to evacuate dropped dramatically at the same time. In situ reconstruction implies that residents accepted the risk of future disaster reoccurrence; engineering measures were therefore adopted, but also a continuous, even increased sensitivity to environmental hazards. In addition to innate human factors, this study found that external influences, such as evacuation shelter planning and public authority implementation, could play critical roles in residents' behaviors. We suggest that a two-way approach featuring equality-based risk communication should be utilized throughout the entire disaster management process to ensure effective disaster risk reduction measures that reflect residents' needs and attitudes.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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