Fieldwork is an important component of geography education. However, due to time constraints or class size, teacher-led fieldwork is sometimes hard to conduct. Because of the technical development of artificial intelligence, instant messaging applications, such as LINE, have developed Chatbot to help entities interact with their clients. The applications of instant messaging applications and Chatbot on teaching, however, have attracted limited attention in academic studies. Taking Guandu, Taipei City, Taiwan as the research area, we use Chatbot in LINE to develop a series of questions, related to the cultural landscapes in Guandu, which enable a self-guided fieldwork for undergraduate and graduate students. Chatbot techniques are used to identify keywords (answers) entered by participants and generate self-pop-up responses and/or questions. In addition, the interactions between Chatbot and students are recorded in Google Sheets, enabling teachers and researchers to evaluate the learning processes of the students and effectiveness of the activity. The results of the post-fieldwork survey suggested that, overall, students highly enjoyed the activity, but teacher exposition is needed after the self-guided fieldwork in order to integrate the fragmented knowledge they learned from the self-guided fieldwork. Also, gender differences on the enjoyment of the activity were observed.
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