Infrastructure mediates and re-structures the human-nature relationship. A community relies on infrastructure to form a proper living environment. Failing to have infrastructure might cause actions influencing a community's establishment, during which the community is also led to increase social cohesion or fragmentation. The authors explore this dynamic process of power relations through the notion of "infrastructurization of community." Through secondary data analysis and interviews with key figures, the authors draw upon the development of Garden New Town in New Taipei City and shed light on its controversies on water supply to illustrate how the community was mobilized through their fight for water. Water supply first became an issue for the community since Garden New Town, which is located at the hillside, faces various barriers to be connected to a running water system. In addition, the developer's ineffective management made the community struggle hard for their water supply system to transform from a rudimentary kind to one that is connected to running water. This is a process that requires the community members to propagate specific discourses and to reach consensus; they need to draw on political resources from the outside while also facilitating governance mechanism from within. They will also have to include concerns on the deployment of technological objects such as pipelines and reservoirs. Yet, as people reshape nature as well as their community through infrastructure, controversies on the awareness of rights, property ownership, public-private boundaries and the accountability of governance also arise. This shows that the infrastructurization of community cannot be fulfilled overnight- a complicated multitude of nature, technological objects, actors and social institutions actually articulate with each other to make it a dynamic process.
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