The aim of this paper is to investigate the development of the thought during the Ming and Ching Dynasties. To do this, it takes the thoughts of Wang Yang-ming, Liu Ji-shan and Wang Chuan-shan as examples and discusses their philosophical types by the interpretations and analyses of the history of thoughts and ideas.
Firstly, it elucidates the meaning of Chu His's accentuation on the ”moral transcendent formal principle”, criticizes the discourse on seeing Chu as ”the heretic that takes Orthodox”, and then points out that the philosophical system of Chu should be the kind of ”laying the horizontal absorbing to the vertical” and could not be seen as a divergence. What Chu emphasizes is the knowing of objects and the integration of Tao that based on it. This is different from the system of Vertical Creating, whose emphasis is the integrating and the creating of all things through the inner identity of Tao and Subject. Comparatively, the thought of Wang Yang-ming can be taken as the system of ”unfolding the horizontal from the vertical” transformed from that of ”laying the horizontal absorbing to vertical”.
Wang's thought is a philosophy of subjectivity of the kind of exoteric sect, while that of Liu Ji-shan is a philosophy of intentionality, which returns the exoteric sect to the esoteric one. Liu's thought implies a new crisis. It does not limit itself within the thinking of the philosophy of subjectivity, advances on the immense life-world, and gives a new moment of historicity and sociality. All these imply a turning point of enlightenment. Further, such a turning point predicts the possible development of the philosophy of Wang Chuan-shan, which emphasizes ”the unity of principle and vital force”, ”the unity of principle and desire” and ”the unity of principle and trend” and unfolds the real historical principle of life by the approach of ”the synthesis of the two dichotomy”.