This essay focuses on a series of scriptures used in the Jiao rituals performed by the Lingbao Daoist alters of the Zhenyi school in Taiwan. I have traced various contexts of these scriptures to Six Dynasty, and found several sections of ”scripture structures” in these scriptures. I also investigated the actual practices of these scriptures in contemporary Taiwan. This reveals the importance of Taiwan Daoist ritual as a ”living tradition.” This article analyses the ritual sections of ”reciting of entering the door,” ”reciting of going out the door,” ”reciting of lighting of burner,” ”reciting of extinction of the burner,” ”chanting of three announcing,” ”pomes of pacing the void,” ”songs of mara in three realms,” ”chanting of lights,” ”sun light of Zhenyi,” and ”sending out officers.” Based on my field works and the comparison of the Daoist scriptures in Six Dynasty scriptures with contemporary Daoist scriptures, we can comprehend characters in this historical development. According to this investigation, we can reveals the importance of various traditions in Lingbao alters in Taiwan.