


Look Steadily at Embrace and Transcend Leisurely: The Analysis of Death Observation in the Poem of Zhou Meng-Die




曾進豐(Chin-Feng Tseng)


周夢蝶 ; 死亡 ; 復歸 ; 再來 ; Zhou Meng-die ; death ; revert ; revive




54期(2013 / 12 / 01)


221 - 248






Death seduced earthling with 'Bevorstand'. The poem Zhou Meng-die discovered its resolute and, at the same time, brought about the irrepressible impulse of pursuit. Contemplating profoundly on death, Zhou Meng-die meets it unexpectedly once in a while, jaws it repeatedly, socializes and interacts with it constantly.Zhou Meng-die wrote death and made out death through the imagery series of God Thieves of time, souls and tombs. In the dream world of surreality, it smiles into phantoms' eyes, embraces and dances with skulls, which is endowed with the imagination of illusive beauty of death. Zhou Meng-die follows the trail of Loazi's 'Bevorstand', comes back to the condition of the original and ideal life, and even returns to the condition before the world began, where yin and yang were not yet divided, heaven and earth did not leave apart. Meanwhile, Zhou Meng-die contends that earthling may revive after death if the art rescue ensued, the eternality is irradiated, and the news of gestating ashes is firmly believed.The paper looks into the death plot of Zhou Meng-die and interprets the detailed progress in which a poet starts from yearning and pursuing, embracing straightforward to transcend leisurely. The present study aims to expound and prove its death observation, which definitely does not result from a self-analysis and the posture of free and easy. Instead, it gains spacious unrestraint and delight by way of tranquil tunnels and narrow paths.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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