


Analyzing on How MaoShi LiHuang JiJie Selected and Dropped the Interpretations on Shijing (The Book of Songs) Made Furing Northern Song Dynasty: Focusing the Study on Li Shu




黃忠慎(Chung-Shen Huang)


《詩序》 ; 毛鄭 ; 李樗 ; 黃櫄 ; 《毛詩李黃集解》 ; Shi Xu ; Mao and Juan ; Li Shu ; Huang Chun ; MaoShi LiHuang JiJie




55期(2014 / 06 / 01)


99 - 129






In the later years of Han Dynasty, the system of Maoshi in paleography recruited Zheng Xuan Jian into it and since then the prestige of which had surpassed Shi by the Three Sects. And after the gradual degeneracy of the Three Sect's Shi, the only passage for readers to thoroughly comprehend the three hundred chapters in Shijing is trough Shi Xu, Mao Juan and Zheng Jian. This phenomenon lasted and reached its peak when a scholar named Kong Ying-Da in the Tang Dynasty followed the imperial order to compile Wujing Zhengyi. However, scholars in the succeeding Song Dynasty were not satisfied with the system of Mao Shi, so Ouyang Xiu , Wang An Shi, and Su Che placed a lot of innovative features in their study of Shijing . Following the moving of the imperial court to the south, these new theories from the Northern Song Dynasty were put under scrutiny by scholars from southern Song Dynasty, too. This is a kind of typical development in academic history. In the early days of Southern Song Dynasty, there were Mao Shi Xiang Jie written by Li Shu and Shi Jie written by Huang Chun, and later both books were compiled into one titled MaoShi LiHuang JiJie. Both writers, especially Li Shu, quoted a lot of new interpretations from the scholars of Northern Song Dynasty. This research took MaoShi LiHuang JiJie as the studying subject to understand how they sifted out information and made the decision but put the focus on Li Shu as the quantities of quotes in Huang Chun's commentary on Shijing in this collection were not big enough because of obvious errors and omissions. And the research analyzed as well as interpreted the meaning of their using the new interpretations from Northern Song Dynasty through presentation of contents and data.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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