


The Transformation of Liu Xiang's Treatises on the Anomalies




張書豪(Shu-Hao Chang)


劉向 ; 董仲舒 ; 班固 ; 災異之記 ; 《洪範五行傳論》 ; 《漢書.五行志》 ; 災異 ; Liu Xiang ; Dong ; Zhong-shu ; Ban Gu ; Records of Disasters ; Theory of Hongfan Wuxing Zhuan ; Wuxing Zhi in the Book of Han ; anomaly




57期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 28






The research is based on Wuxing Zhi in the Book of Han and aims to trace the writing progress of the Theory of Hongfan Wuxing Zhuan in order to understand the transformation of thoughts of disasters. The researcher further noticed that Liu Xiang was influenced by Dong, Zhong-shu; when he wrote the Records of Disasters, he followed the chronicle styles of Chun Qiu; when he wrote this Theory of Hongfan Wuxing Zhuan, he took the editing principle of categorization. In addition, for proving the related effectiveness, he had to search for the evidence of various disasters. Consequently, he then gave supplements or divisions among the theory of Dong, Zhong-shu for acquiring more types of historical examples. The internal contradiction of Gong Yang's theory also gave Liu Xiang chances to construct the theoretical system of Hongfan Wuxing. The transformation and integration, before and after his fundamental theories, are determined by explaining the old and new evidence of historical examples. The accepting and rejecting standards are based on the logic of Gong Yang's theory in the individual cases as well as the correspondence between the missing parts of the theoretical system of Hongfan Wuxing and the historical examples.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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