Siku Quanshu Zongmu Tiyao (also known as Siku Tiyao) explained that a volume of Yi yu zhi collected in Taiyi Ge was edited by Zhou Zhi Zhong. Originally named Luo chong lu, Yi yu zhi is also similar to Yi yu tu zhi printed by Chin Hsien. This study mainly proposed several debatable issues regarding the discourse in Siku Tiyao. Firstly, the most possible author of Yi yu zhi was presume to be Zhu Quan, Prince Ningxian based on the book collectors and the content of Yi yu zhi. Secondly, examining the relationship between Yi yu zhi and Yi yu tu zhi suggests that Yi yu tu zhi currently collected in the library of Cambridge University was different from that collected in Taiyi Ge. While Yi yu tu zhi was hardly mentioned by scholars in the Ming Dynasty, Luo chong lu, which contains similar content, was a book of greater influence. It is difficult to conclude that Luo chong lu is truly the original name of Yi yu zhi simply because two books have been frequently mentioned together by scholars. The more common version of Yi yu zhi with no graphs seems to be a handwritten copy, while Luo chong lu with graphs are all block-printed copies. Regardless of the existence of graphs, Yi yu zhi and Luo chong lu were both very widespread in the Ming Dynasty.
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