A Study on Self-orientation of the Female Poet, Chen, Yun-lian, in the Qing Dynasty from the Perspective of Inscriptions of "Xinfang Pavilion Self-inscription of Eight Paintings" and "Poetry Drafts from the Xinfang Pavilion"
The female poet, Chen,Yun-lian (1799-1869), in the Qing Dynasty added the short comments "Xinfang Pavilion Self-inscription of Eight Paintings" to Volume V of her poetry collection "Poetry Drafts from the Xinfang Pavilion." She picked eight images from her marriage life to paint them and write the inscriptions, which reflected the important meanings of female poet's self-choice and self-reappearance of life process. This study investigated relevant data, such as inscriptions of "Xinfang Pavilion Self-inscription of Eight Paintings," poetry works, such as "Poetry Drafts from the Xinfang Pavilion" and "Poetry from the Xinfang Pavilion," husband family's genealogy, and epitaphs of clans to identify the year of birth and death, family background, and life stories of Chen,Yun-lian. Moreover, this study also analyzed the content of inscriptions of "Xinfang Pavilion Self-inscription of Eight Paintings" with a strong nature of self-consciousness/ autobiography of Chen,Yun-lian one by one. This study investigated the self-shaped role and orientation, as well as personal life value and meaning of Chen,Yun-lian through eight short comments and relevant poetry works.
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