


To analyzing Yang-Jian and Yuan-Xie for their attitude of Shu-Xu and Shih-Xu- the southern Song Dynasty Heart-mind Theory scholars attitude of the traditional interpretation of the script




黃忠慎(Huang, Chung-shen)


《書序》 ; 《詩序》 ; 心學家 ; 楊簡 ; 袁燮 ; "Preface to the Classic Book of Documents" ; "Preface to the Classic of Poetry" ; Scholars of mind study ; Yang Jian ; Yuan Xie




64期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28






This article observed the Lu Jiu-yuan's apprentice Yang-Jian and Yuan-Xie's attitude of Shu-Xu and Shih-Xu. Through this article, we could found, In Shang-shu, Yang-Jian agreed the "Shu-Xu" written by Kong An-Guo, but criticized him did not know doctrine. The old saying said the "Shu-Xu" written by Confucius, Yang-Jian was once speculated that was written by Kong An-Guo, even so, Yang-Jian still follow Shu-Xu 's explanation. But in Shih-Jing, Yang-Jian considerd the Shih-Xu was written by the Han Dynasty confucianism Wei Hong. Therefore, Yang-Jian unable to accept his point of view completely. Yuan-Xie's attitude was not quite the same. In regard to the "Shu-Xu" and Shang-Shu-Kong-Chuan , Yuan-Xie was not interested on it. But Yuan-Xie convinced that Confucius wrote hundreds of Shu-Xu, besides, Yuan-Xie considered the Shih-Xu know doctrine, therefore, Yuan-Xie was willing to accept Shih-Xu's point of view. In summary, we could know, the heart-mind theory scholars could accept or discard the traditional interpretation of the script, the sticking point is that traditonal interpretation whether know doctrine, the judgment criteria of these is according to personal subjective opinion, therefore, the interpretation of the classic results of the heart-mind theory scholars appearing the difference in the same on their results.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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