


Lu You's writing of dealing with poverty and 'Shiqiong' discourse




鍾曉峰(Chung, Shiao-feng)


陸游 ; 處窮 ; 詩窮 ; 南宋 ; 詩人 ; Lu You ; the writing of dealing with poverty ; Shi Qiong ; Poet ; Southern Song Dynasty




64期(2018 / 12 / 01)


119 - 155






The poetry which writing poor life and dealing with poverty not only represents the ideas that the literary creation reflecting life, but also becomes poetic concept and creator's cultivation theory. It is a classical poetic topic with profound cultural significance. Lou You's (陸游) poetry has a lot of writing of dealing with poverty and the discussion of Shiqing. First of all, Lou You emphasized maintaining basic life and establishing himself dignity through farming. Second, reading stimulates the spiritual strength that resist poverty. At the same time, Lu You insists on cultivating morality in poverty. In addition to the above-mentioned writing about how to resist poverty, Lu You also expressed the profound viewpoint about 'Shi Qiong'. The 'Shi Qiong' theory is one of the important topics in classical Chinese poetry of Tang-Song dynasty. It discussed the questions about why poet was always so poor or poor poet can create better works. Lu You did not regard poverty as a disaster that means suffering for a poet. He believed that poverty can help his creation and political failure had no relationship with poetry. Lu You accepted the poor destiny being a poet positively and pursued creation of the poetry as his life values. Lu You's attitude towards to poverty demonstrated that a poet can also build the value of life and create extraordinary poetry in poverty.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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